woman hold jaw in pain

Wisdom Teeth Removal

An impacted wisdom tooth can cause severe pain and long-term dental health issues if it's not extracted. Dr. Aaron J. Osga is a highly skilled dentist who can remove your wisdom tooth with a nearly painless procedure. Learn how removing your wisdom tooth at our Henderson, NV, practice can greatly benefit your oral health...

The Wisdom in Removing Third Molars

man holding cheek in pain

Third molars, more commonly known as wisdom teeth, generally erupt from our late teens to early 20s. When a wisdom tooth fails to erupt properly, the tooth can crowd the adjacent teeth and cause different oral health issues. Ultimately, impacted teeth can cause significant discomfort and damage to your other teeth.

Dr. Osga in Henderson, NV, can remove your wisdom tooth before it causes significant damage and chronic pain. The team at Carepoint Dental uses the latest dental techniques and technology to ensure your comfort and safety. 

Reasons Why We Remove Wisdom Teeth

Pain Relief 

Wisdom teeth that are impacted can cause consistent discomfort as they press into your second molars. The gum tissue around these teeth may become swollen and tender, increasing the risk of developing an infection.

Preventative Treatment 

Impacted wisdom teeth can make it difficult to brush and floss around the molars, which could lead to cavities, gum disease, and even dental abscesses. Early wisdom teeth removal can prevent these problems.

Avoid Misalignment

Impacted wisdom teeth crowd adjacent teeth and can even cause them to shift position. Tooth misalignment can cause issues like temporomandibular joint disorders (TMD) and make your teeth harder to keep clean.

Dr. Osga Can Extract Impacted Wisdom Teeth You Don't Need an Oral Surgeon for Wisdom Tooth Removal

Some people may not seek dental treatment because they think they need an oral surgeon to perform the procedure. When it comes to impacted wisdom teeth, dentists can be just as capable as oral surgeons in safely removing the teeth.

Dr. Aaron J. Osga has the training to safely perform wisdom tooth removal here at Carepoint Dental.

Don't delay treatment if you have an impacted wisdom tooth. It can cause continuous pain and shift your other teeth if left untreated. Wisdom teeth removal at Carepoint Dental in Henderson, NV, is fast and virtually painless. Request a consultation or contact us by phone.

(702) 645-6888

image of wisdom tooth pain
The team at Carepoint Dental has helped many patients in and around Henderson, NV, by performing wisdom tooth extraction.

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First and foremost the Friendly Staff! Thank you so much for making a stressful situation enjoyable! I actually look forward to my next visit which is weird to say due to having to get a tooth pulled.

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My cleaning appointment was honored on time and professionally completed by Veronica, a very meticulous technician who explained every step of the process and was very accommodating and friendly.

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How We Remove Wisdom Teeth

procedure of how wisdom teeth removal is performed
Wisdom teeth extraction is a relatively straightforward and often painless dental procedure.

The Wisdom Tooth Removal Procedure 

An oral surgeon isn't necessary to remove an impacted wisdom tooth. Dr. Osga can perform the procedure himself.
An oral surgeon isn't necessary to remove an impacted wisdom tooth. Dr. Osga can perform the procedure himself.


Local anesthesia is used to numb the treatment site at the start of your oral surgery. Nitrous oxide is available so patients can achieve and maintain a relaxed state during the duration of the procedure.


To access the root structure of the impacted wisdom teeth, Dr. Osga will make incisions on the gums around the third molars. Depending on how impacted the wisdom teeth are, our dentist may have to make incisions in the bone tissue as well.

Tooth Removal

Using gentle techniques and specialized dental tools, Dr. Osga will extract the impacted teeth. If a wisdom tooth is at a difficult angle and pressing against other teeth, our dentist may have to divide the wisdom tooth into sections to fully remove it.


After the impacted wisdom teeth are removed, any bacteria is cleaned out of the socket. The gum tissue is carefully repositioned and sutures are used to close the incision sites.

Gauze Pack

After your oral surgery is complete, Dr. Osga will use a gauze pack on the surgical site to promote blood clot formation. The gauze pack should be left in place for at least 30 minutes. 

Recovering from Wisdom Tooth Removal

It takes about two weeks to completely heal from wisdom teeth removal. However, most patients can return to normal activities within 48 hours of the procedure. Dr. Osga recommends the following for a successful recovery:

Eat Soft Foods

Patients should eat soft foods like smoothies, pasta, and ice cream after their wisdom teeth removal. Eating crunchy, hard, chewy, or hot foods can disrupt tissue at the surgical site. These foods can also dislodge the blood clot.

Avoid Smoking

Tobacco products inhibit your ability to heal. Smoking will increase your risk of developing a dry socket. Dry socket is a very painful condition in which the bone and underlying nerves are fully exposed and susceptible to infection.

Use Gauze Packs

Over the first few days after your wisdom tooth is removed, the treatment site will bleed. To limit the bleeding, gauze packs should be used at the extraction site. Apply steady pressure for 15 minutes. Repeat as often as necessary. 

Take Medication 

Depending on your condition after oral surgery, Dr. Osga may prescribe antibiotics and pain relievers. If you are prescribed medication, follow all instructions for a speedy recovery. 

"Best in town." Patient-Focused Dentistry in Henderson, NV


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Extremely wonderful. Best in town.

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Professional and thorough. I highly recommend.

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Aaron Osga, DDS

Carepoint Dental

Aaron Osga, D.D.S., and the friendly team of dental professionals at Carepoint Dental provide the highest quality dental care to the community of Henderson, NV. So that you and your family can enjoy the benefits of a healthy smile, our dental practice offers:

  • State-of-the-Art Technology
  • Evening Appointments Available on Thursday
  • Sedation Dentistry

To schedule an appointment at our Henderson, NV, dental office contact us online or by calling (702) 645-6888.

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Ste 100
Henderson, NV 89015

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